What to Do When You are Frustrated with a Jehovah’s Witness

What to Do When you are FRUSTRATED with a Jehovah's WitnessTips for Effective Christian Evangelism of Jehovah’s Witnesses

Speaker Christy Harvey – Five Part Audio Seminar that will fit on a Single Audio CD-R. This CD provides tools to help Christians avoid frustration when discussing doctrinal differences. Includes creative questions Christians can ask to challenge Jehovah’s Witness thinking in a non-confrontational and non-threatening way.

Purchase Audio CD at Amazon.com or Download the Full MP3 for free.

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If you are like most Christians, the idea of debating with a Jehovah’s Witness on the essential doctrines of the Christian faith makes you think of a head-banging experience in which you hit a “brick” wall with no hopes of getting through. How do you penetrate the mental “block” that Jehovah’s Witnesses erect the moment you say you are a “Bible-believing Christian”? How do you avoid the “bible-ping pong” experiences so common in Scriptural based discussions with Jehovah’s Witnesses? How do you overcome the common feelings of inadequacy that so often arise when the Jehovah’s Witness seems to have an argument for every point you make in a discussion? What questions can you ask that will challenge the Jehovah’s Witness without creating an argument? Listen HERE online to discover quick tips for witness to Jehovah’s Witnesses:

LISTEN TO MP3 Segments of the CD Here:

Download the Full MP3 Audio CD


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