Step-by-Step Questions for Jehovah’s Witnesses

SIMPLE QUESTIONS FOR THE HONEST JEHOVAH’S WITNESS – (Downloadable PDF Packet) – More Lies and Cover-ups Exposed by Handwritten Questions on Photocopies of Watchtower Literature

Presenting the Gospel - Effective Methods in Witnessing to Jehovah's Witnesses

PRESENTING THE GOSPEL - Five Questions Leading Jehovah’s Witnesses to Jesus

Click Here to Listen to the MP3 Audio of Arnold Hoffman's A Few Effective Methods in Witnessing to Jehovah's Witnesses that presents how to use these questions most effectively in reaching Jehovah's Witnesses.

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Should the Name Jehovah Be Used in Scripture to Refer to God?


SHOULD THE NAME JEHOVAH BE USED IN SCRIPTURE TO REFER TO GOD? —16 Questions for Jehovah’s Witnesses on the Use of God’s Name in the NWT

1. Do you believe that Bibles that translate God’s name as “LORD” or “GOD” instead of “Jehovah” keep people from becoming close to God because they portray Him as “remote and impersonal”?

“IN YOUR copy of the bible, how is Psalm 83:18 translated? The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures renders this verse: ‘That people may know that you, whose name is Jehovah, You alone are the Most High over all the earth.’ …many translations leave out the name Jehovah, replacing it with such titles as ‘Lord’ or ‘Eternal.’ What belongs in this verse? A title or the name Jehovah? …In the original Hebrew in which much of the bible was written, a unique personal name appears here. It is spelled יהוה YHWH) in Hebrew letters. …It appears in the original text of the Hebrew Scriptures nearly 7,000 times! …Ancient Hebrew was written without vowels. Therefore, no one today can say for sure exactly how people of Bible times pronounced YHWH. …In replacing God’s name with titles, Bible translators make a serious mistake. They make God seem remote and impersonal, whereas the Bible urges humans to cultivate ‘intimacy with Jehovah.’ (Psalm 25:14) Think of an intimate friend of yours. How close would you really be if you never learned your friend’s name? Similarly, when people are kept in ignorance about God’s name, Jehovah, how can they become truly close to God?” —WHAT DOES THE BIBLE Really TEACH?, 2005, pp. 195-196

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Is the New Covenant Only for a Group of 144,000 People?


IS THE NEW COVENANT ONLY FOR A GROUP OF 144,000 PEOPLE? — 15 Questions to Ask Jehovah’s Witnesses on the 144,000 and the Great Crowd

Of all of the doctrinal topics one can discuss with Jehovah’s Witnesses, nothing is more essential than the identity of Jesus Christ and the issues related to salvation and eternal life. Jehovah’s Witnesses have a two-class system of salvation in which they divide their followers into two groups. They call the first group the “little flock” and limit it to 144,000 members, and they call the second group the “great crowd” which is open to the rest of the population of mankind. When examining what they believe about this two-class system of salvation, it is here that we discover the greatest hole in Watchtower theology, because there is not a single Bible Scripture that supports their unique views on this issue.

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10 Questions for Jehovah's Witnesses on the Watchtower Trinity Brochure - Chapter 12 – Yes, You Should Believe in the Trinity!

Yes, You Should Believe in the Trinity book

Most objections Jehovah’s Witnesses raise against the Doctrine of the Trinity can be answered by accurately defining the doctrine.

For example, many Jehovah’s Witnesses think that when Christians claim that Jesus is “God,” they are claiming He is the same Person as the Father. This misunderstanding is easily corrected by quoting the Creed of Athanasius, the most authoritative Creed that Christianity has used for centuries to define the Trinity. It demonstrates how the Son is a distinct “Person” from the “Person” of the Father, yet “one God” with the Father:

“For there is one Person of the Father, another of the Son, and another of the Holy Ghost… So the Father is God, the Son is God: and the Holy Ghost is God. And yet they are not three Gods: but one God.” (View PDF of the Athanasius Creed)

So, when Jesus was praying to the Father, He wasn’t praying to Himself, but to the Person of the Father who is just as much “God” by nature as Jesus is “God.” Another misconception Jehovah’s Witnesses embrace is the idea that since “in this Trinity none is before, or after other: none is greater, or less than other,” Jesus could not have said, “the Father is greater than I” at John 14:28. This objection is easily answered by the following statement found in the Creed: “Equal to the Father, as touching his Godhead: and inferior to the Father, as touching His Manhood.” Thus, many of the occasions where Jesus operated under the limitations of His humanity, the Father was indeed in a “greater” position than He was, but this does not prove that Jesus in His God nature is less “God” than God the Father is “God.”

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Leading Jehovah's Witnesses to Jesus - Five Simple Questions on Faith and Works

Mountain Trail

LEADING JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES TO JESUS - Five Simple Questions for Jehovah's Witnesses on Faith and Works

Question 1: Why do we need salvation? Why can’t God accept us just as we are?

  • JW Response: All people are under the condemnation of death due to sin. (Romans 3:23; 6:23)

Question 2: Why did Jesus have to die to free us from sin? Why isn’t it enough to have our good works outweigh our bad works?

  • JW Response: It took a “perfect man” to free us from sin. (Romans 5:14-15). Jesus died so that we can receive the “gift” of eternal life. Works cannot save (Ephesians 2:8-9).

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Eight Questions on How to Have the Assurance of Salvation


LEADING JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES TO JESUS - Eight Questions on How to Have the Assurance of Salvation

Question 1: What exactly do I need to do in order to be saved and to have eternal life?

  • JW Response: You need to learn about Jehovah (John 17:3) and obey His requirements to be saved.

Question 2:  After I study and learn about Jehovah, what else do I need to do? Do I need to join your religion?  If I join your religion, am I saved then?

  • JW Response: Yes, you need to become a Jehovah’s Witness, but no, you will not be saved until you “endure to the end” of Armageddon (Matthew 24:13).

Question 3:  So if I endure through Armageddon, then am I saved?  Am I perfect?

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Is Christmas Pagan or Christian?

12 Questions for Jehovah’s Witnesses Challenging Common Objections Against the Christmas Holiday

Christmas Wreath on Frost Covered Tree
Christmas Wreath on Frost Covered Tree

Jehovah’s Witnesses and other religious groups often abhor the Christmas season with its trappings and rituals. The basis for their rejection of this holiday stems from a focus on the alleged pagan origins of some of the traditions used in Christmas celebrations, the overt materialism surrounding this holiday, the ambiguity regarding the time of the year in which Christ was actually born and the close connection of the date of December 25th to the pagan Roman Saturnalia and British Druid winter solstice celebrations of antiquity. While these concerns have elements of legitimacy, a consideration of the Christian origins of many Christmas traditions are often neglected by those embracing a negative view of Christmas. Our hope is that the following questions and information provided will offer a more balanced perspective on this holiday that will help those questioning whether the act of celebrating Christ’s birth at Christmas time dishonors God:

1. At Luke 2:7-18, Scripture records how God celebrated the birth of His Son by sending the angels and shepherds to honor the baby Jesus and to make His birth known to mankind. Since God became excited about the birth of His Son, why would it be wrong for Christians today to get excited about Jesus’ birth?

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Questions for Jehovah's Witnesses on Spiritual Adoption



1.  What does a person have to do before he can understand the things of God?

  •  1 Corinthians 2:14-15: “But a physical man does not receive the things of the spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot get to know [them], because they are examined spiritually. However, the spiritual man examines indeed all things...” **

2.  According to Romans 8:9, how does a person change from “physical” to “spiritual”?

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Questions for Jehovah's Witnesses on the True God and the Trinity - Chapter 13 – Yes, You Should Believe in the Trinity!

Yes, You Should Believe in the Trinity bookPresenting the Deity of Christ and the Personhood of the Holy Spirit


1. How many true Gods exist?

  • John 17:3: “This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ.” **

2.  Is Satan a true or false God? Do demons believe he is a god?

  • 2 Corinthians 4:4: “among whom the god of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers…” 
  • James 2:19: “You believe there is one God, do you? You are doing quite well. And yet the demons believe and shudder.” 

3.  So if demons don’t consider Satan is a real god, why is he called “the god” of this world? Wouldn’t you agree that these beings that are called “gods” are not really gods, but are rather false gods?

  • 1 Corinthians 8:5-6: “For even though there are those who are called ‘gods,’ whether in heaven or on earth, just as there are many ‘gods’ and many ‘lords,’ there is actually to us one God the Father … and there is one Lord, Jesus Christ…”
  • NOTE: Jehovah’s Witnesses claim to put Jesus in a neutral category of “god” beings that are merely divine, but are not the true God.  By demonstrating that Satan is a false “god” because he is worshipped by false religion, and that even his followers, the demons, don’t believe he is a real “god,” this demonstrates that a neutral category of “divine/god” beings that are neither true nor false does not exist.
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Do the Beliefs of Jehovah’s Witnesses Prove they are the Only True Religion?

Only True Religion

DO THE BELIEFS OF JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES PROVE THEY ARE THE ONLY TRUE RELIGION? - 10 Questions for Jehovah’s Witnesses on How to Determine the True Religion

 A common tactic used by those who oppose the beliefs of Jehovah’s Witnesses is to present photocopied documentation from Watchtower literature that demonstrates how the Watchtower Society has changed its beliefs and practices over the years.  Examples of these changes that are often discussed are given on pages 200-201 of the Watchtower Society’s 1993 history book entitled Jehovah’s Witnesses — Proclaimers of God’s Kingdom. On these pages, the Watchtower Society admits that in the 1920’s Jehovah’s Witnesses celebrated the holidays, including Christmas and birthdays, wore a cross and crown as a badge of identification and even used the cross as a symbol on the front cover of the “Watch Tower” from 1891 to 1931.

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Blood transfusion secrets of Jehovah's Witnesses

Download Blood Transfusions PDF to Obtain photocopies of all quotes referenced in this article.


jwgodsname.:BLOOD TRANSFUSION SECRETS JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES ARE NOT TOLD: 12 Questions for Jehovah's Witnesses on The Use of Blood

1. Does the Watchtower teach that "organ transplants" and "tissue transplants" can be acceptable to Jehovah's Witnesses without violating Biblical principles?

"The Witnesses do not feel that the Bible comments direction on organ transplants; hence, decisions regarding cornea, kidney, or other tissue transplants must be made by the individual Witness." How Can Blood Save Your Life?, 1990, p. 28 (View PDF of this Page)

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Jehovah's Witnesses and False Prophecy

Download False Prophecies of the Watchtower PDF to obtain photocopies of all quotes referenced in this article.

20 Questions for Jehovah’s Witnesses on False Prophecies of the Watchtower Societyprophesy

(Note: To view printable PDF images of all Watchtower quotations below, click the reference links next to each quote.)

1. How can we know the difference between a true prophet and a false prophet?

“True, there have been those in times past who predicted an ‘end of the world,’ even announcing a specific date. … Yet, nothing happened. The ‘end’ did not come. They were guilty of false prophesying. Why? What was missing? … Missing from such people were God’s truths and the evidence that he was guiding and using them.” (Awake!, October 8, 1968, p. 23 **)

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Lies and Cover-Ups in Watchtower History

Charles Taze Russell10 Questions For Jehovah’s Witnesses on Watchtower History

Jehovah God is a God of Truth. Since God “cannot lie” (Titus 1:2), it stands to reason that He would not be behind an organization that lies to cover-up its history. If the Watchtower is dishonest about its history, what does this say about its claim to represent God?

1. Did the Watchtower claim that they “never” published a biography of Pastor Russell?

“But, is it true you have never published a biography of Pastor Russell? … That’s right. Jehovah’s Witnesses admire the qualities he possessed as a man, but were we to give the honor and credit to Pastor Russell, we would be saying that the works and success were his; but Jehovah’s witnesses believe it is God’s spirit that guides and directs his people.” Jehovah’s Witnesses in the Divine Purpose, 1959, p. 63 (View PDF of the page)

2. What “Biography” was published in the 1923-1927 editions of the Watchtower book, The Divine Plan of the Ages, volume 1 of their Studies in the Scriptures series?

Biography of Pastor Russell… Charles Taze Russell, known the world over as Pastor Russell, author, lecturer and minister of the gospel, was born at Pittsburgh, Pa, February 16, 1852.” The Divine Plan of the Ages, 1886, 1925ed, p. 1 (View PDF of the page)

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