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Who We Are – Ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses for Jehovah
Many who are in the process of leaving the Watchtower organization or are thinking of leaving may not want to think about religion. In fact, many who leave have totally rejected religion. Although our website is affiliated with the Christian ministry Witnesses for Jesus, Inc., we are not a religion or a church. We are a non-profit Christian ministry committed to sharing the biblical perspective on Jehovah’s Witness beliefs and practices and most of our funding comes through individual people who believe in our mission, vision and values.
Facts Jehovah's Witnesses Need to Know about Christmas
Help FAQ – Answering Your Questions:
- About Us – What We Offer You
- Determining the Truth
- Leaving the Watchtower
- Dating and Marriage
- Reaching Loved Ones
Bible Answers: Jehovah’s Witness Beliefs and History
- Beliefs and Practices:
- Jehovah’s Witness Bible Examined
- Holidays, War, Politics, Blood Transfusions
- Destructive Policies: Shunning, Spying, Abuse
- History and Scandals:
- Watchtower Chronology
- Subliminal Images
- United Nations
How We Can Help
- Over 20 years experience reaching Jehovah’s Witnesses of all levels. Read our Christian Conversations with Jehovah’s Witnesses book.
- Powerful tools for reaching your Jehovah’s Witness Loved Ones include complete photocopied documentation from rare Watchtower publications and official sources. Shop our Online Store to see our latest Books, Videos and Audio Resources and View our Documented Facts the Watchtower Society Doesn’t Want You to Know book.
- Meet Ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses involved in online Facebook support groups. Blog, Chat and meet Ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses from around the world.
- Listen as you go with our free App for Smartphones and Tablets. Get the Witnesses for Jesus App.
- We offer free support because we care about you. Sign-up for our newsletter to keep in touch with us.
- If you like what we do, please Donate to help us reach others.
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