Arnold Hoffman’s A Few Effective Methods in Witnessing to Jehovah’s Witnesses presents how to use questions on a relationship with Christ to lead Jehovah’s Witnesses to Jesus.
Click here to view the one-page handy reference PDF of the Questions Discussed in this Presentation
NOTE FOR CHRISTIANS USING HOFFMAN’S APPROACH: Not every Jehovah’s Witness today makes as big an issue of “personal sins” that Hoffman said they do in his presentation. Hoffman gave this presentation over 20 years ago and there is more emphasis on Jesus in the Watchtower today than there was several years ago. Thus, while it is important to draw the connection between personal sins and Jesus’ death, don’t let it throw you off-guard if the Jehovah’s Witness you are speaking to does not react to this part of your presentation, like they did when Hoffman was witnessing to them. Just continue to move on to the part about dealing directly with Jesus in prayer for salvation, and use the verses below to provide a Biblical basis for this part of your presentation.