Doug – Ex-Testemunhas de Jeová


.:DOUG – Ex-Testemunha de Jeová ultrapassou o pecado através do poder de Deus

Nascido e criado como uma Testemunha de Jeová, Doug saiu da organização porque não conseguia viver à altura dos seus padrões. Em desespero, ele invocou Deus. Havia tantas religiões, que ele não sabia para onde se virar. Finalmente, ele encontrou esperança em Jesus e na sobrenatural força para ultrapassar suas lutas na graça e poder do Espírito Santo.

I was born and raised one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. I was involved with the Watchtower organization until I fell away when I was about 14 years of age. I went back to the organization when I was 22 years old, but fell away again 2 or 3 years later. At this point, I was only a publisher, gave a few talks and did a little door-to-door work.

When I left the Watchtower, I moved to Winnemucca. This is where I met my wife and was married in 1997. She was a Christian and had a brother-in-law who was also a Christian. They planted some seeds of truth in my life, but all this did was drive me to my knees before God, being utterly confused! There were just so many religions out there and I didn’t know where to turn.

After committing a gross sin that I had been involved in all my life, I was convicted with the realization that I did not have the power within me to be able to stop this sin. For the first time in my life, I got down on my knees and gave my life to God, placing every plan I had for the future in His hands. I was never taught how to pray the sinner’s prayer, but I was lead by the Holy Spirit to confess that I was a sinner and to ask Jesus to come into my heart to be my Lord and Savior.

I asked for the power to repent from my sin. Instantly, for the first time, I realized the blessed Godhead: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The blinders from my spiritual eyes were taken away, and I became a believer.

A few days later, I realized what had really happened to me. No longer was I committing the gross sins that I had been caught up in all my life. God had changed my desires and now what I wanted to do was to read the Word and pray daily to grow into His image and learn from the one true God—my personal Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I’ve been given a peace and joy in my life that I have never before experienced, and I am becoming the man I always wanted to be. Thank you, Jesus!


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