Statement of Faith

Who We Are


  1. We believe in the Bible as the Word of God, divinely inspired in its entirety, inerrant in its original writings and the only spiritual authority for those who serve Jehovah God.

  2. Jehovah God (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit) is the only True God (John 17:3). Jesus Christ as God’s Son possesses God’s Nature in all respects (John 5:18). The Holy Spirit is a Person and is God’s primary means of communication to man and empowerment for living a life that is pleasing to Jehovah.

  3. We believe Jesus Christ retained His God Nature while becoming a man, being born of a virgin, living a sinless life, and atoning for the sin of men through His death and bodily resurrection. We look forward to His physical and visible return to earth for His followers at His Second Coming.

  4. Satan being a fallen angel in total opposition to God, exercises his power and authority over the unregenerate through deception and spiritual manipulation.

  5. Every human is hopelessly lost in sin apart from personal acceptance of the spiritual redemption offered in the blood of Jesus Christ. This free gift of salvation is applied to the individual believer separate from any works of righteousness he/she performs.

  6. The Good News by which we are saved consists of the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  7. The final state of unbelievers who die in rejection of God’s free gift is everlasting punishment away from the presence of God for eternity. True believers who have been born again through the regenerate work of the Holy Spirit are assured of eternal life in the presence of God in both Heaven and the new Earth.

  8. We recognize no single human organization or religious church as being the sole proprietor of spiritual instruction. The Holy Spirit through the Word of God, teaches each one who has placed his/her trust in the sufficiency of Christ. This unity of believers transcends denominational barriers and forms the congregation of Christ, united in the Holy Spirit.


bullets How can I as an Ex-Jehovah’s Witness find a place to worship Jehovah outside the Watchtower organization?



To impact witnesses of the Watchtower with the Truth of the Gospel in order to help them become wholehearted Witnesses of Jesus Christ.


We envision Jehovah’s Witnesses freed from the deception of counterfeit religion to experience a living, vibrant relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.


We value grace-oriented, Biblical truth and love that is passionately communicated and visibly enacted in the lives of lifelong witnesses of the Lord Jesus Christ who is Himself “the Truth”
(John 8:32, 36).


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