by Jeanne Jackson
At the age of five, my mind was fresh, my parents taught me the Religious mess. They sat me down in hard back chairs, in Kingdom Halls full of stares. They told me GOD put men in power, mediating for us in an Ivory tower.
Illuminated from the top, I don’t think I like that thought! giving my mind, soul and body. belonging to them – that was my folly. We had the truth – it was not lies, our Governing Body was so wise.
A well-trained parrot I came to be, for the Watchtower Society. They taught me m y duty- like it or not, get up on the platform and give a talk. I did exactly what they said, Ignoring what the scripture read. If we didn’t give a real good talk, we lacked GOD’S spirit and we were a flop.
Never able to use my mind, with the GODLY freedom given mankind. Interpretation and prophesy was all figured out for you and me. My nose was always in their books, Nowhere else did I ever look. I preached to some about failed dates, and wondered why hearers were full of hate.
Knocking on doors until my knuckles were sore, was never enough, they wanted more. A man may work from sun to sun, but the Society’s prodding is never done. Mountains and mountains of hills I climbed, I thought this Work was truly Divine.
A brother told me “DO YOUR PART,” “IF YOU DON’T BRAVE THAT DOG THEN YOU’VE GOT NO HEART.” A great judge he came to be for the Watchtower Society. I braved that dog on a mighty chain, while the ministerial servant in the car remained.
Chased by a herd of geese, and vicious dogs biting at my feet. For the Society I only spoke, using scripture’s they would quote. People would laugh and candidly say, “You’re playing your own tune on that scripture today.”
I thought I was doing what I should, minding Mother and being good. They told me GOD would bless me well if all their literature I would sell. I never took a donut break – that time was sacred, for heaven’s sake! Like a cop out on the beat, a day in service was my retreat.
Missing meetings was a sin, you’d get the cold shoulder if you didn’t attend. Peer pressure was there for hire, the ambition of the Society’s desire. The Watchtower was their IDOL for study JEHOVAH’S LETTERS for everybody. They said they were an Organization of love sent to us by the GOD above. Titles they use, like SISTER and BROTHER while secretly they inform on each other.
Crushing sheep like broken reeds was part of their daily deeds. Making up a thousand rules, for sheep to keep like little fools. Adding to the scriptures, and taking away, you can be assured, that they will surely pay. The cost in stumbling has been great, not to mention the spilled blood they take.
They said we were all equal, part of the body – but the Eldership was their “apple toddy.” They’ve done the judging, meant for Christ, thinking their judgment would suffice. They always point away and say out in the world the Pharisees stay. Pretty pictures they love to paint, You’d think that they were man made saints.
To the sheep they will not tend, they simply cannot comprehend. Calling their publishers the “RANK and FILE” slandering with reports all the while. I saw plenty in forty years, some which sadly brought me to tears. They talk about the widows mite, if you don’t measure up, she’ll surely bite.
In committee meetings, they feel power over their victims they can tower. To your face these cowards won’t speak, playing platform games of hide and seek. They feel their rights just never end, and to their questions you must bend. What is your history? from where have you come? Digging up gossip, their work is never done. Where are your relatives?
Are they living close nearby? We need to know your maiden name, because we NEED to spy!
Jesus said, “TAKE NOT THEIR MONEY,” but to the Society, that’s their honey!!
Racking millions – that’s what they take!! Trusts, wills, real estate, even jewelry would be just great!! They say that you’ll he greatly blessed, If only you’d build up their little nest!! As I grew older, I could plainly see there’s a Watchtower conspiracy!!
I opened their books and what did I see? RUTHERFORD and RUSSELL, looking back at me!! I thought to myself, “What can this be? It sure does look like IDOLATRY!!! They GLORIED in men, what a disgrace!!!
Now the Governing Body is taking their place!! Jesus set the example, giving to the poor. The Watchtower Society just keeps asking for more, more, more!! Keep YOUR eyes SIMPLE, that is what they say. Don’t build a house, keep materialism away!! They want more members, they have from the start. They’re doing all they can for this, INCLUDING SUBLIMINAL ART!!!
From Printed from the site in 1999